What a week it was. They say, when it rains, it pours. That best described the turn of events last week as the news kept pouring in. from Dasuki’s calculator blowing revelations to series of elections being nullified. Our darling, yeah that’s what they are now, the Dream team IV brought smiles to our faces. That’s how our football should be right.

Last week truly kept us spell bound. If you blinked, you must have missed something. Let’s relief them for u with the lessons learnt.


It all started like a normal probe, come and account for your days in office. Tell us how you spent the money meant for arms purchase. We were all waiting to hear about the drones, helicopters and other war weapons that the $2.1bn arms deal money was spent on. But then they were never purchased.

Ok fine, he must have transferred the money to a foreign account like our politicians do right? But no, Dasuki wasn’t interested in all that. He was doing the job of a cashier! This was supposed to be a National Security Adviser.

Last week the arms purchase scandal now known as Dasukigate reached another level as more shocking revelations emerged with details of who and how the $2.1bn was spent. It was appealing to know that they spent huge amounts on ridiculous things as spiritual interventions, purchase of apartments and supporting the re-elections of members of House of Reps.

Here are a few run down of the alleged misappropriation as reviewed last week

N550 million transferred to ThisDay Newspaper

N380 million transferred to support re-election of House of Reps members

N750 million transferred to Reliance Referral Hospital Limited account for special prayers

N120 million sent to Nduka Obaigbena as compensation

N170 million spent on a four bedroom duplex

N90 million payment for Dasuki’s son’s house

And the list goes on. He didn’t leave anyone one or accused anyone wrongly. The account was perfect, no one has come out to debunk any of the claims. Such a well prepared account book definitely puts Dasuki in running for Cashier of the Year.


When the senate resumes on Tuesday, there will only be 101 senators instead of 109. This is because, 8 members of the chamber have had their elections nullified.

 More worrying is the fact that out of the 8, only 2 had theirs nullified at the tribunal. Last week saw 7 elections that had previously been Okayed by tribunal at their various states. In fact all the three serving senators representing Rivers state at the Senate were showed the exit door by the court of appeal in the state

Uche Ekwunife’s from Anambra State also saw her election nullified adding to the already growing list of elected officials to have their elections victories overturned after it had been cemented by the tribunals.
If this trend continues, then we can as well do away with the tribunals and save ourselves precious time and money.


You cannot put an end to a violent course, especially one with a huge and devoted crowd by taking out its leader. If you do that, the crowd will declare war on you. Why does our military keep making the same mistake?

On Saturday last weekend, the Nigerian Army confirmed it had a violent encounter with members of the Shiite Islamic Faith. In the statement, the army claimed the attack form the Shiite group was a deliberate attempt to assassinate the Chief of Army Staff.

The soldiers went in search of the sects’ leader Zakzaky and invaded his residence, in the process killing his wife and son during the invasion. Hearing of such news reminds me of how Boko Haram, once a troublesome sect too became the monster it is today.

Zakzaky may have been arrested, but he must have some kind of resentment and hatred growing inside of him right now. That is not good because he has a good degree of influence over a devoted crowd back home.

And please, someone should warn the soldiers in charge of where he is being held to be professional warn them against going trigger happy and then ending up killing the sect leader. Such event will be history repeating itself over again and we all know where that has led us to.


We were united prior to the elections and the result? We voted in Change. Last week saw our unity at play once again. The so called social media bill is dead. That’s a fact and it was thanks to the unity we showed towards that course. The senate said nothing was going to stop them.

 But last week the Senate President in an event said there was no social media bill before the senate. That put to rest the bill. 

Not a single man or woman on the street or on social media was in support of that evil bill. There was no tribal or party sentiment. We all stood and said #NoToSocialMediaBill.

This should teach us a lesson about unity. No matter how powerful anyone or group of politicians try to become, we can keep them under our control and we should because we voted them into office. But that can only be possible if we stay united.


Save the best for last, you remember that song? hehehe. Well back to the matter, YEAH!!! We are champions! So I described Samson Siasia as the Ultimate coach last week but some friends wanted to crucify me. But he has proved himself now and I am happy for him.

We are Champions and that we proved last week when the U23 Eagles defeated their Algerian counterpart on Saturday night in Senegal by 2 goals to 1. We love victories, why shouldn’t we?

 We are the U17 world champions and now U23 AFCON champions. We hope our beloved Super Eagles follow suit, then we can take back our rightful place in football once again.