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 Let’s pause for a minute from this mind blowing and ‘calculator ripping ‘ Arms deal controversy called DasukiGate. Let’s pause and remember  where we are. We have totally forgot that we are between the a ravaging fire and the deep blue sea and are once again the happiest people on earth. 

But why are we rejoicing this much over this DasukiGate. Ok the revelations are enormous, I agree. It involves a lot of money, fine! But let’s pause for a minute and ask ourselves one salient question, at the end of this probe, let’s hope there will be one knowing how our judicial system works. When Dasuki and everyone else involved in this gets what they deserve, what next?

Is it really going to solve our problems, will it make us exit the ‘broke countries club’? I don’t get it! Everywhere I turn, Twitter or Facebook, on the streets, everywhere it’s like our Messiah has landed or are we just drama freaks?
 I understand, this is different, we haven’t seen such a probe before. At least some big names are going down for sure. But my worries are we seem so into this drama that we are no longer asking questions on issues affecting our lives on a daily basis

We seem to have accepted the fact that fuel scarcity have come to stay. Its almost running into its third month and we still can’t get fuel and if u do, it’s nothing less than N130 per litre. And to make it worse, the government seem powerless about the situation. There must be a way out for sure right?

What about power? After all the joy and fulfilment of having ‘light’ for 16hrs a day, we are back to square one and those days seem like a distant memories now. What happened then? Why the sudden change? What went wrong? Mysteries indeed

Our economy is in shambles, the statistics are all over the place. There is suffering in the land. People are being owed salaries, investors are running away. Yeah I mean ‘running’. When will the government make public its master plan or isn’t there one?

So much questions begging to be asked but we are not asking anymore, why? DasukiGate of cause.

Ok I guess it’s more than a minute now, let me round up so we can go back to DasukiGate  but the truth is why every corrupt man or woman that got us to this breaking point deserves to have the music, we have to make our government face their own music also.

 We  vote this government into power not because we are so much in love with them but because we needed a change. And that is what I believe we all want to see.

I am not asking for us to stop publicizing or celebrating this probe, all I’m asking is, once in a while let us pause for a minute and ask, where are we heading to?

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